Allegiant Photos
These photos come from either people who were lucky enough to visit the set of Allegiant in Atlanta, Georgia, people working on the production, or the actors involved in the film. We will attempt to keep this page updated daily with any photos that may have been found and credit to the photographers to the best of our ability. We will also update filming locations as we receive information. The most current information and photos will be added to the top of the page, so the first photos can be found at the very end.
If you find any photos that we haven't shared here please feel free to share them with us! But please be aware that we need to know where you found the photo. It may not be from the correct source but if they gave credit for where they got it and so on, it could be possible to find the photographer. We make an extra effort to always find photographers, but we will also give you credit for sharing new things and their sources with us!
July 2, 2015

Photo from @mollyml9 on twitter. WTM and Sputnik are the codenames of different movies, though.
Photos from @mollyml9 on twitter and Deeply_divergent on instagram and twitter.
June 30, 2015
Josh Horowitz is an MTV correspondent, so we have an interview and some behind the scenes sneak peeks to look forward to in our future!

This photo was captioned with the info "There were fences, police, guards, etc. So we couldn't get a great view but we saw some extras walking in and lots of tents and blue screens". Photos from @izzygirl76 on instagram.
June 29, 2015

Posted by Alicia Malone on instagram (@AliciaMalone) "Stuntwoman Malone reporting for duty! On set of #Allegiant for @fandango, getting ready to climb The Wall! #ILookRidiculousButFeelPrettyCool"

Posted by Wyatt Belton (barber/hairstylist) on instagram, "GUESS I'M GO'N LEFT"#wyattbeltonleadbarberinsurgent #divergent #insurgent #allegiant #insurgentfans #wyattbeltoncelebritybarber"

Photos from @erudite.tributes on instagram. She included the info that she arrived about the time the extras were taking a break for lunch and she saw a little girl who was about five.

Posted by Wyatt Belton (barber/hairstylist) on instagram, "GUESS I'M GO'N LEFT"#wyattbeltonleadbarberinsurgent #divergent #insurgent #allegiant #insurgentfans #wyattbeltoncelebritybarber"

Photos from @erudite.tributes on instagram. She included the info that she arrived about the time the extras were taking a break for lunch and she saw a little girl who was about five.

Photos from @izzygirl76 on instagram.
Photos from @sandf125 on twitter
Photos from @sandf125 on twitter
June 28, 2015
Josh Horowitz, a reporter for MTV, is apparently doing an interview on the set of Allegiant this week.
June 26, 2015

Photo of the stand-ins, via on instagram

Another photo of the stand-ins on the Allegiant set.
June 25, 2015
Miles Teller tweeted this photo with the caption "Biggest fan on set of #Allegiant"
June 23, 2015
All photos taken by AtlantaFilming on twitter, shared from, Maggie Q, Miles Teller, Theo James, Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort and Zoe Kravitz.
June 22, 2015
Extras already on set as of 8 am Monday morning. Photo from @Frantabucks_ on twitter.
June 20, 2015
Photos from @cjmisc2 on twitter, shared with the caption, "Allegiant (Element) signs in Cartersville GA today"
June 18, 2015

Photo from a friend of @trispri0r on instagram.
Photos from @sharonfowler_ on twitter.
Photo of extras on the set - from PhographerX on twitter
More extras on the set- photo from PhograpgerX on twitter
Photo from PhographerX on twitter
Shared by @criticman on twitter with the caption, "Element" seen exiting I-75 onto GA-20 toward Cartersville/Rome"

Credit in photo to both instagram users.
Photo of the set in Lindale, GA from jordyn4evers on twitter. I'm interested to see what this turns out to be.

Photos of the Allegiant set in Lindale, GA sent to me on instagram from @treefrog101599.

An Element filming sign posted in Rome, GA, a town near Lindale. Photo shared with me from instagram user @treefrog101599.
Photos of the Allegiant set from @fxrnamber on twitter's friend Carissa. Thanks, Carissa!
Photos of the Allegiant set from @fxrnamber on twitter
Photos of the Allegiant set from @fxrnamber on twitter
Photos of the Allegiant set from @fxrnamber on twitter
Photos of the Allegiant set from @fxrnamber on twitter
(Non-spoilery) Info about what they were doing on set today!
June 17, 2015

Photo of a van on the Allegiant set that has "Element" on it's window. These types of vans were used during Divergent production for cast transportation. Photo taken by BriannaDiggs_ on instagram (shared by TrisAllegiant)
Photos of extras on the Allegiant set, taken by DeannaD0124 on twitter
Photos of the trailers on the Allegiant set, taken by DeannaD0124 on twitter
Photos of extras on the Allegiant set, taken by DeannaD0124 on twitter
Photos of extras on the Allegiant set, taken by DeannaD0124 on twitter
Photo of the Allegiant set at the Old Mill in Lindale, GA taken by AtlantaFilming on twitter
Photo of the Allegiant set at the Old Mill in Lindale, GA taken by AtlantaFilming on twitter
Photo of the Allegiant set at the Old Mill in Lindale, GA taken by AtlantaFilming on twitter. That red "camo" is quite the interesting costume. Also in this photo you can make out a food stand behind the extras that says "King of Pop". That's an all-natural popsicle company from Atlanta

Photo of a fan taking a photo of the Allegiant set. I love it! From @divergentfangirl464 on instagram

Photo of the set (credit in photo to both instagram users). I've been told that train car was there previously but its hard not to believe it's there for Allegiant. I mean.. it looks (to me) like the same as the train cars in Divergent.

Wyatt Belton, hairstylist/barber on the Allegiant set, shared this photo with the caption "97 DEGREES ON SET"
Miles Teller with his girlrfiend, Keleigh Sperry, at a gun range in Atlanta.
June 15, 2015
Info that Theo James is on set.

Trailers on the Allegiant set, shared by an Amity extra on her last day of work - @sarasanner13 on instagram

Photos of the Element signs sent to me by instagram user me_myself_and_izzy
June 13, 2015
Posted by @kokorock2roll on twitter with the caption, "Element is filming in Norcross, GA off of Jimmy Carter"
Photos from @isabella2001 on twitter of the Allegiant set at the Old Lindale Mill.
June 11, 2015
Photos from @maddik_2000 on twitter. She somehow managed to spot Shailene as she was walking into the set!

Photo of the Allegiant set from Brianna Diggs, via @TrisFourDivergent. Giant screen they have hoisted up there

Photos from @LivFour on instagram of the Allegiant set at the Old Lindale Mill, via @TrisFourDivergent

Photos from the Allegiant set outside the Old Lindale Mill, shared by @IamDivergent6_4 via @TrisFourDivergent
June 10, 2015
June 9, 2015
Photo of the dystopian set taken by a lucky set stalker, AllegiantSet on twitter
June 8, 2015
Photos taken by AtlantaFilming on twitter- shared by E! Online
Gotta love that blonde hair!
It looks like he's holding a bomb of some kind.
Photos taken by AtlantaFilming on twitter- shared by E! Online
Looks like the cast had some fun on set this day in particular!

Keiynan Lonsdale posted this on instagram with the caption, "I officially
️ @therealoctaviaspencer. Thanks for making me laugh all day #whatkindoffukkeryISTHIS

Posted by Daniel Dae Kim on instagram, ""May the truth set you free." Talking #Allegiant, @thedivergentseries & #JackKang."
June 7, 2015
Miles Teller posted this on twitter with the caption, "Selfie with a fan"
June 5, 2015

Posted by RyanTrygstadHair on instagram, "#Evelyn #NaomiWatts #Allegiant #makeup #MichalBigger #Atlanta"
June 4, 2015
A tweet from the screenwriter of Allegiant. The full cast was on set!!

Posted by Daniel Dae Kim on instagram, "Great dinner, better people. @zoeisabellakravitz #naomiwatts #maggieq @keiynanlonsdale #shailenewoodley #Allegiant @thedivergentseries"

Posted by CXGinBigD on twitter, "Pre dawn Element - Allegiant base camp w/ ATL skyline 
June 3, 2015
Photo from @cubegrl on twitter, "Allegiant is filming down the road .[person's name here], I'm breaking you out of driver's ed if Tris & co. need some extras!" Looks like it's at the Old Lindale Mill
Photo shared by @CXGinBigD on twitter, "Element - Allegiant signs at Englewood & Hill and more further down Hill"
Photo shared by @CXGinBigD on twitter, "Element - Allegiant signs at Englewood & Hill and more further down Hill"
Photo shared by @CXGinBigD on twitter, "Element - Allegiant signs at Englewood & Hill and more further down Hill"
One of the screenwriters of Allegiant shared this on twitter.
Ansel Elgort posted this on twitter with the caption, "#Caleb"
Ansel Elgort posted this on twitter with the caption, "Back on set, can you guess what movie? (Dystopian future)"
June 2, 2015

A look at the set of Allegiant from AtlantaFilming on Twitter.
May 30, 2015
May 29, 2015
Posted by Keiynan Lonsdale on Twitter, "Friday on Allegiant set = Chocolate Sea Salt Popsicle."
May 28, 2015
According to Northwest Georgia News, a small town near Atlanta will be hosting the set of Allegiant in the Old Lindale Mill. The production company will also be renting the Gilbreath Recreational Center - located right across the street from the Mill - from June 11th to the 23rd.
(Special Thanks to @PlanetShailene for finding this info!!)
[Remember- if you decide to visit a movie set be aware that you might not actually get to see any actors or filming in process- movie sets are usually kept secure- but if you're being respectful and doing what security or other crew asks of you, you might get lucky!]

Keiynan Lonsdale posted this on instagram, "Atlanta is trying to flood the set this week. #Allegiant"
Tweet from one of the screenwriters of Allegiant
May 27, 2015

Posted by Daniel Dae Kim on instagram (@danieldaekim) "There is some great stuff goin' on right behind me...#Allegiant #JackKang"
Tweet from the screenwriter of Allegiant
May 26, 2015

Posted by Zoe Kravitz on Instagram (@zoeisabellakravitz), "She's baaaaccckkkk. #Christina #Allegiantpt1"
Tweet from the screenwriter of Allegiant
May 24, 2015

Daniel Dae Kim, our Jack Kang, leader of Candor, shared this photo of his return to Atlanta!
May 23, 2015
Posted by Maggie Q, our Tori, on twitter, "And prep begins..... #Allegiant. Brushing up on movie action, gotta be done. "
A tweet from one of the screenwriters of Allegiant letting us know week 1 of filming has been completed!

Photo shared by Rebecca Ray (@rebeccanray), Shailene's stand-in for Insurgent and now also Allegiant, of herself with Ansel's stand-in, Emerick Martin (who was also his stand-in for Insurgent and The Fault in our Stars), and Theo James' stand-in, Matthew Eldridge (again, he was also with Theo for Insurgent). The caption said, "Reunited and it feels so good!
#setfamily #itslikesummercamp #butbetterthansummercamp #causeitsafilmset"
It seems that Allegiant is currently being filmed at a place called Emory's Briarcliff Campus on Clifton Road near Atlanta, Georgia. Remember, if you choose to stalk the set please be kind and courteous and always follow and directions given to you by security.
Photo shared on snapchat by Dakota Lander, a "YouTuber" who makes excellent films. He tweeted yesterday "Officially start work tomorrow on the new Divergent movie called "Allegiant", Wish me luck and stuff..."
(Special thanks to @belencha10 on Instagram for telling me about Dakota!)
Keiynan Lonsdale posted this on instagram with the caption "That's a wrap on Day 1 of filming for #Allegiant. Life's good!
Ansel posted this on twitter with the caption "Back on set for #Allegiant ! My fave part of being on set...? Take a wild guess...
Posted by Keiynan Lonsdale (our Uriah) on twitter (@KeiynanLonsdale), "Day 1 for #AllegiantPart1
May 19, 2015
Posted by Wyatt Belton on instagram (@wyattbelton), ""HOME AWAY FROM HOME" #wyattbeltonleadbarberallegiant #barbers #hairstylists #hair&makeup #moviebiz #backtoback"
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